Renowned for her unforgettable portrayal in the Taiwanese drama “Fated to Love You,” Joe Chen has solidified...
The Allure of Private Resorts The Maldives, with its unparalleled beauty and remote location, offers a unique...
The Maldives, an archipelago nestled in the Indian Ocean, has long been synonymous with unparalleled luxury and...
Fushifaru Maldives recently welcomed a prestigious guest, none other than the celebrated Russian singer and actress, Katya...
The Allure of the Maldives: Why Celebrities Can’t Resist The Maldives has emerged as a premier destination...
Waldorf Astoria Ithaafushi has distributed USD 2,433 (MVR 37,516.8) per person as service charge for the month...
The Maldives has given a warm welcome to the 100,000th tourist to arrive in the country in...
Television actress Surbhi Jyoti has been sharing stunning pictures of herself from her Maldives vacation. 1/ 6...